For the signature of Melissa Mendoza, Vice President, Human Resources, prepare a persuasive action request memo addressed to all employees.
September 5, 2018
Describe the impact and the vulnerability of the SCADA / Stuxnet Worm on the critical infrastructure of the United States.
September 5, 2018

Describe, compare / contrast, and evaluate two (2) database implementations in your field of interest. You may also want to consider referencing journal case studies.

TOPIC: Write an original research report consisting of one of the following topic areas: 1) Virtual Organizations, 2) Network Organizations, 3) Spin-out Organizations, 4) Ambidextrous Organizations, 5) Front-Back Organizations, 6) Sense and Response Organizations.

1.    The final Research Report has a due date of August 5, 2018 by 11:00 PM EST.

2.    This assignment is worth 100 points (20% of the course grade).

3.    The assignment must be submitted via the associated assignment queue located in Moodle.

4.    Each student submission will be checked for plagiarismWarning… Turnitin has a very good and historical memory and is capable of accessing reports from both internal and external resources (i.e. Universities, Governments, etc.) including those originally written in non-English languages.

5.    Only one submission attempt is permitted – BE SURE BEFORE YOU HIT ENTER. Plagiarism will result in a grade of zero (non-negotiable) for the assignment and may results in other university actions. The department chairperson will be notified of the violation. Additional CU penalties may be applicable. Please see class syllabus for additional details.

6.    Acceptable file formats for submissions include Microsoft Word (doc, docx) or Adobe Acrobat (PDF). Other formats are not acceptable.

7.    The research paper must be at least 2,500 words supported by evidence (citations from peer-reviewed sources).

8.    A minimum of four (4) peer-reviewed journal citations are required.

9.    Formatting should be double-spaced, one-inch boarders, no extra space for headings, no extra white space, no more than two levels of heading, page numbers, front and back matter).

10.Extra white space use to enhance page count will negatively affect student grade.

11.Focus for the research paper:

a.     Describe, compare / contrast, and evaluate two (2) database implementations in your field of interest. You may also want to consider referencing journal case studies.

b.    The first implementation should be a database that was essentially successful

c.     The second implementation should be a database that had significant “challenges”

d.    The databases may either be ones with which you are personally familiar or ones that are reported in the literature

e.     Be sure to go well beyond just personal opinion in your analysis, synthesis and  evaluation. Student submissions must be anchor  in peer reviewed literature.

12.As a graduate student, you are expected to be proficient in the use of the English language. Errors in grammar, spelling, or syntax will affect student grade. As your professor, I will not provide remedial help for writing problems. If you are unable to write clearly and correctly, I urge you to contact the program office for sources of remedial help.

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