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January 10, 2021
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January 10, 2021

Digital Media and Sociality

Read the following article and just write 300 words (no less than 250 words and no more than 300 words) abstract that somehow related to big data.

Digital Media and Sociality

TransScripts—the interdisciplinary online graduate student journal based at the University of California, Irvine—invites graduate students to submit their work for publication. The theme of our seventh volume is “Digital Media and Society.”

In this volume of TransScripts, we explore notions of sociality by thinking with and through digital media’s past, present, and future. Digital media scholars from various disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, arts, and computer sciences have urged us to ask what it means to be social in this rapidly changing digital age. Contemporary scholarship on digital media and society has asked after the implications of emerging and future digital media forms on social relations, literacy and the internet, labor in the age of cognitive capitalism, the role of digital media technology in social and political movements, money flows, community and social network formation, gaming subcultures, pop culture and fandoms, classroom education, and more.

We invite scholars to submit papers with innovative approaches to theorizing, historicizing, and engaging with this volume’s theme. In addition, TransScripts welcomes creative writing submissions.

As we believe that scholarship from a variety of approaches can help inform contemporary understandings, submissions need not conform to any disciplinary, methodological, or temporal mode. However, they must be original, well researched, and properly cited engagements with the theme of this volume. English language contributions from current graduate students from universities across the globe will be considered.

//Submission Guidelines and Review Process

The deadline for abstract and article submission is Friday, January 5, 2018. All submissions should be written in English.

We invite article length submissions of up to 8,000 words, including footnotes, figures, and citations. Creative writing submissions should be no more than 4,000 words. Explanatory footnotes should be kept to a minimum. All pieces should be submitted as either a Word or Pages document attached in an email to transscriptsjournal (at) gmail (dot) com. The email should include your name, institution, program/department, and an email address at which you can be contacted. Also, please include a short abstract of less than 300 words describing the content and argument of your article.

Submissions should employ the MLA or Chicago citation format. For in-text citations see the following style sheet from the University of Georgia. For bibliographic citations see the style sheet compiled by the Macon State College Library. For further help with MLA style, please refer to the MLA Handbook for Research Writers, 7th Edition, 2009, or view the Purdue MLA style guide online at

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