describe the function of the committee and the roles of those in attendance. Describe your observations of the interactions between members of the committee and determine whether the process used to arrive at decisions is a form of shared governance.
September 6, 2018
create a team charter that includes specific guidance for the operation of and interactions for the model team at WCI. Use references from the resources provided in the course to date, resources from the Walden Library, and—if applicable—examples from personal experience to support the content of the Team Charter.
September 6, 2018

Discuss why differentiated instruction, Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, Bloom’s taxonomy, and play are concepts that support developmentally appropriate practice. Provide examples of how these theories can be implemented into the early childhood arts curriculum.


Participate by responding to at least two classmates’ initial postings. Be sure to focus on effective writing and what we can learn by reading the work of others. Offer suggestions related to their analysis of the audience and purpose or how main ideas are supported that could help your classmates. Keep the conversation going by adding to what your classmates have already written by asking questions or sharing connected ideas.


I picked this article as it has to do with psychology, which is what I am studying. I have seen firsthand how teens battle with anxiety and depression, and how often they turn to self-mutilation. All seem to be connected when an adolescent who feels overwhelmed and having a hard time trying to cope with their life. The Article is The Kids are Not All Right, written by Susanna Schrobsdorff.   11/7/2016, Vol. 188 Issue 19, p 44-51. The underline issue of self-mutilation is depression generally. Adolescents feel depressed or anxious and are unsure how to ask for help, so they turn to self-harm to relieve stress temporarily. Generally, it is seen between the age of 12-17 years old. It seems that the internet and different sights are causing an increase in anxiety and depressing as peer pressure seems to be involved. A teenager’s day in their world now is very stressful and can be extremely overwhelming and then you toss in the internet, or social media and teenagers have a difficult time between the online world and real world not crossing over and adding confusion in their minds.

Sometimes we are in the same home as the child and still are completely unaware of what is going on in their world. When a child suffers from anxiety or depression try and watch for signs, follow your gut feeling if you think something is wrong to ask for help on behalf of the child, as they will not ask for help or will lie out of embarrassment a lot of times. So, how to deal with this issue is my open-ended question? Do we limit online access, watch for signs that can be easily missed, put the child in counseling, try family counseling?



The article talks about Halfway houses and how they benefit the addicts’ recovery. It talks about giving them responsibility as in paying rent and getting jobs. Shows them ways to stay sober by having them go to twelve-step meetings. How rules and regulations help provide structure for the individual. Living in a Halfway house can provide supportive peers to help them through triggers, stressors, and challenges helping them through their troubles in a positive way and make them feel supported.

The main point of the article is to explain and show how halfway homes benefit addicts. The fact that it explains what the halfway house is and explains how each rule and thing mandatory to do in the homes benefit the individual makes it an effective article.

I learned effective writing is staying on topic. To show the reader what you mean by the article wrote. To give examples of what your explaining to prove your point. To attach URLs to other sites where you’ve got your research and facts to show non-fiction statements. Making your writing to the correct audience and writing in the proper manner.  I learned a lot from this article and have personally seen the truth behind how halfway houses are beneficial. What other things do you need for effective writing?

Discuss the questions in 300 to 400 words.

Discuss why differentiated instruction, Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, Bloom’s taxonomy, and play are concepts that support developmentally appropriate practice. Provide examples of how these theories can be implemented into the early childhood arts curriculum.

Discuss some adjustments teachers can make in the environment to encourage the play of children with special needs.

Distinguish between the characteristics of play for an infant, toddler, preschooler, and kindergarten–3rd grader.

Consider the National Standards for Arts and art education reform.

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