Jack and Thea are a retired couple who have been booking their holidays through a small travel agent called Gail’s Travel for nearly 20 years.
September 16, 2020
Unit 11 Organizational Communications homework
September 16, 2020

The network below represents a project being analyzed by critical path methods. Activities durations are:

The network below represents a project being analyzed by critical path methods. Activities durations are:

A=5, B=2, C=12, D=3, E=5, F=1, G=7, H=2, I=10, J=6, K=10, and L=3

  1. what task must be on the critical path, regardless of activity durations?
  2. what is the duration of path A-B-E-H-J?
  3. what is the critical path of this network?
  4. what is the length of the critical path?
  5. what is the slack time at the activity C?
  6. what is the latest finish of the activity H?
  7. if activity F were delayed by two time units, what would happen to the project duration?

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