Political Science Slide Show
February 25, 2021
CRJ 201 Week 5 D2
February 25, 2021

Write a paper arguing how specific course readings and films were important

Course: Communication (Criticism and the Public Arts)

There are no correct answers, well supported, clearly written essays may be constructed from a variety of perspectives. Entirely opposite arguments and positions are possible. The objective is to analyze the problem carefully, synthesize materials effectively, and express your views and conclusions coherently. Be sure to make appropriate references to course readings and discussions (include films and any materials from your sections where appropriate). Theses should be used for as evidence and examples for whatever position you express. Read the question carefully and make certain to proofread your papers before turning them in. Writing matters: as usual, clear and grammatically correct writing is expected.


– typed

– 7-8 pages in length

– double spaced

– MLA format

– Include work cited page

– Cite all sources

– At least 3 sources (at least one text and one film)

– underline your thesis


It is the end of a grueling Fall Quarter, full of tough exams, annoying papers, roommate hassles, and unexpected bills. Imagine that you are attending a lively party with undergraduates from several prominent colleges and universities. During one conversation, various students are talking about what they have learned during the past term. One student, for example, discussed the value of her advanced course on “Originalism: The Judicial Philosophy of Antonin Scalia.” Another spoke glowingly about her class on intermediate zoology and on her research about the gigantic rat population of West Los Angeles. Another spoke about his advanced psychology course on “The Dangers of Adderall Among College and University Students.” Finally, you mention your own recent course on “Criticism and the Public Arts,” indicating your study of materials in literature, film, and visual art and their linkage to broader social, ethical, and political issues and problems. In the middle of your comments, another student looks at you, laughs heartily, and interrupts as follows: “You can’t be serious, can you? You get university credit in Communication for reading a story about some plague in North Africa and looking at a bunch of movies?! That’s the kind of stuff you should do after class, when you’re just relaxing and hanging with friends. It’s recreation, nothing more! What possible value can you get from this stuff? What a ridiculous way to study communication. And your professor claims that this soft stuff can educate you about politics, ethics, and society! You can do all this after class and weekends, not for academic credit in the social sciences. Ha! At my university, …….. (an institution a few hundred miles north of Los Angeles), we do really rigorous work in the Communication Department, not the fluff that you think passes for serious intellectual work. Everything you just told us convinces me that my choice of …….. over UCLA was the best decision I ever made. You’ll probably wind up at McDonalds or maybe Walmart if you’re lucky while I go to Harvard or Yale Law School!” Momentarily taken aback, you give some consideration to slinking out of the room. After a few seconds, however, you decide to reply, making sure to use specific course examples regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the…….. student:

****************************************** I WANT YOU TO DISAGREE WITH THE STUDENT ****************************************

**You should follow an essay structure that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion, with of course a clear thesis. It needs to be a personal response and analyzation versus being a research paper. Supported evidence need to include at least one text and film, and all claims need to be backed up. All parts of the prompt needs to be answered and the form should be clear, concise, and well organized.**

Your paper should have the following:


– Engaging and full development of a clear thesis as appropriate to assignment purpose

– Consistent evidence with originality and depth of ideas; ideas work together as a unified whole; main points are sufficiently supported (with evidence); support is valid and specific

– Organization is sequential and appropriate to assignment; paragraphs are well developed and appropriately divided; ideas linked with smooth and effective transitions

– Clear discernment of distinctive audience; tone and point-of-view appropriate to the assignment

– Each sentence structured effectively, powerfully; rich, well-chosen variety of sentence styles and length

– Virtually free of punctuation, spelling, capitalization error; appropriate format and presentation for assignment

Course readings:

The Plague – Albert Camus

The Shape of Content – Ben Shahn

Course Films:

Triumph of the Will

Night and Fog

Sophie Scholl: The Last Days

Hearts and Minds


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